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Freedom News: Fair Use is
a Right!
FREE 2600!
Down with the DMCA!
Oppose the CBDTPA!
If you thought the DMCA was bad, just wait until you hear about
the CBDTPA! (Politech) Many thanks to Declan
McCullagh (again) for blowing the
whistle on the latest schemes of big media and their stooges in Washington. Here is a list of
Hollings' top campaign contributors, just to drive the point home. (Thanks
Jon O!). As chair of the
commerce committee, the senator failed to protect the rights of US citizens (voters)
against the commerce giants, which should have been his top job.
Slashdot: Apple uses DMCA
It has got to be a mistake, because any company so clueless
as to use the DMCA is total garbage. Perhaps Apple wants a return to their
bad old closed platform days, which caused the FSF boycott. It is high time
that we made our own DVD drivers.
White House cyber-security: A sop to Microsoft?
The Cronicle of Higher Education: Copyright as Cudgel
Here are some key ideas which are backed up with documented exampes in the article.
Fair use is dying
DMCA prompts censorship
Academic freedom is under attack
DMCA is reckless and ill-conceived
Academia has a vested interest in fair use
Citizenship is blocked by laws like the DMCA
Copyright is not a property grant
DMCA is a failure
Slashdot: HP uses DMCA, HP backs off
This is the same company that silenced Bruce Perens. It has got to be a mistake, because any company so clueless
as to use the DMCA is total garbage. They have a big target on their privates
that says "Boycott Me!", and another on their backsides
that says, "DOS Me!". Take note all; If this is true, it could be the end of HP.
Palladium consumer oppression scheme: Trust Microsoft?
MS: Why we can't trust your 'trustworthy' OS
The Register:
MS to eradicate GPL
Washington Post:
Microsoft Wants Security Hard-Wired in Your Computer
MS Palladium patent
Read the
Palladium FAQ
Microsoft's notions of "security" and "trust" are obviously one-sided, and
such a system would certainly be used to squash fair use and first sale rights.
Moreover, mono-culture is bad policy for computer security; Damages will
be widespread when the system is inevitably compromised.
The internet is our public common, but in this scheme Microsoft would be the
sole gatekeeper. Free software can protect you from such outrages, because the
source code is anchored to the commons for all to see. Use free software
instead of Microsoft products.
GNU-Darwin free software recommendations
All of this software is available for Apple computers and Intel PCs,
from The GNU-Darwin Distribution
Sklyarov, Boss Plead Not Guilty
Katalov: "My top concern is for Dmitry, his future and that of his young
family, ...
Dmitry should not be made
some sort of example."
A Commitment to Candid Speech
This prosecution looks less like a balanced and
appropriate response to the real threats to copyright in cyberspace, and
more like a miscommunication between Adobe and our
Pinkerton-FBI. (emphasis added)
Dimitry Sklyarov: Enemy or friend?
"Bruce Perens is co-founder of the open source initiative and has been a
leading Linux developer since 1994." Bruce's discussion of eBook
copy-restriction technology is insightful and highly accurate.