
Subject: GNU-Darwin: DC 7/17: We Are The Stakeholders!
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2002 19:33:40 -0400 (EDT)
To: gnu-darwin-distribution@lists.sourceforge.net
Cc: "Balint, Jess"
Reply-To: proclus realm
Here's another answer for you, Jess. Thanks!
------ Forwarded message ------
From: Vin
Subject: Re: [hangout] GNU-Darwin: DC 7/17: We Are The Stakeholders!
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2002 19:24:27 -0400
To: Seth Johnson , DC_7-17@realmeasures.dyndns.org, fairuse@mrbrklyn.com, hangout@nylxs.com
Reply-To: DC_7-17@realmeasures.dyndns.org
On Saturday 13 July 2002 19:02, Seth Johnson wrote:
> "Proclus" comments.
> Seth
> On 12 Jul, Balint, Jess wrote:
> > I do not wish to discount this meeting, I think
> > it is a good opportunity, but who is going to be
> > there to represent us, the people, that will be
> > able to take some of our ideas into the higher
> > levels of government?
> >
> > Some bills are or were floating around in
> > Congress with possible DRM solutions that were
> > presented by large media companies. How do we
> > ever get heard? Is a rep from Congress going to
> > be there? Maybe one or two state senators?
Can somone go to dslreports here:
and put in a comment for the readers to put in a call to the numbers listed
below, also a followup email, and to their local congressmen demanding fair
public representation on the panel, and to get NYLXS on the panel? I believe
the phone number of the Chris Israel or someone like that is included in part
of the nyfairuse mirrored site. lets get that phone number posted as well.
Also go to the New York posting of the info, here:
and post similar comments please. We need to keep that post at the top of
the NY section to get everyone's attention. It also might get picked up by
other news sites. This is important. It gives people something to do, even
if they can't go to Washington.
Someone else should do it, I can't keep the comments flowing there, it will
look like I'm talking to myself.
"Can't go to Washinton DC? Concerned about your rights to listen to
music/watch videos/archive important documents/etc.? Don't want expiring
books? This is what you can do:
We need to pin down congressmen on this issue. It is the only way we can
advance forward at this point.
Thank you.
> > In preparation for this workshop, the Technology
> > Administration invites public comment on our
> > website at:
> > http://www.ta.doc.gov/comments/comments.htm.
> >
> >
> > Contacts: Cheryl Mendonsa, Technology Administration
> > Telephone: 202 482-8321
> > Email: cheryl.mendonsa@ta.doc.gov, or
> >
> > Marjorie Weisskohl, Technology Administration
> > Telephone: 202 482-0149
> > Email: Mweisskohl@ta.doc.gov
> >
> > -------------------------------------------------------
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> > _______________________________________________
> > Gnu-darwin-distribution mailing list
> > Gnu-darwin-distribution@lists.sourceforge.net
> > https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/gnu-darwin-distribution
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